Matt Wolf
Matt Wolf is driven by a deep passion to honor the beauty of the Native American people and the world they inhabit. His fascination with America's indigenous cultures fully blossomed when he relocated from Michigan to Utah's Wasatch mountains in the early 1990s. The awe-inspiring beauty of the western sky, combined with his admiration for Native American heritage, has become the wellspring of inspiration for his artwork. Matt's ultimate aim as an artist is to evoke a distinct sense of atmosphere in each painting, reminding viewers of the immense beauty, peace, and harmony that exist in our surroundings.
His art has found a place in private and corporate collections spanning from Seattle to New York, and his reputation continues to grow in the Mountain West region as he regularly exhibits his works in art shows and galleries. With each brushstroke, Matt Wolf endeavors to capture the essence of Native American culture and the natural wonders that surround us, inviting viewers to appreciate the richness and serenity of our world.

4610 Carey Ave | Cheyenne, Woming 82009 | (307) 778-7290
The 2024 Cheyenne Frontier Days™ Western Art Show & Sale catalog is updated daily and does not represent the show in its entirety. Information within is subject to change without notice.
©2023 Cheyenne Frontier Days™ Old West Museum